Sunday 20 September 2009

Pole Divas Woohoo!!!!!

Well, in August I entered myself in the Pole Divas Championships... I'd not performed dance in .....17 years? I just figured, why not?

Last night, I performed in the Amateur category in the Cardiff heat..... and I got through to the final! I'm over the moon :)

I hadn't really intended to win the heat, I just wanted to get over my fear of performing, get up there, have fun and be satisfied with my performance. I danced for 8 years as a child, gave up at age 13/14 - adolescence brought a load of self-consciousness and by the time I gave up, I dreaded going on stage. Last night was just such a great proof of how much of a confidence-builder pole dancing is. I'm nervous about the final but I'm mostly excited. It will be an amazing opportunity even if I don't do all that well (but I plan on giving it my all!).

Last night was so much fun in so many ways. It was lovely to meet people in real life who I've met and read about on the internet, and the other people who were there. The other ladies in my category were lovely and brilliant and the whole atmosphere at the event was so friendly and fun-loving.

I can't believe that 3 days before the comp I'd practically decided I wouldn't go. I'm so glad I changed my mind, now I know how much of a great experience it was. I aim to live my life with no regrets and I think I'd have been kicking myself if I'd have chickened out.

Now, I need to practise, practise, practise (and there I was thinking I'd be glad if I never heard that song again! LOL)... I was happy enough with my performance last night but I know I can do better.

Oh, I love Pole! It's just so enjoyable and the people in the community are so lovely... Yay!