Thursday 28 August 2008


I got a cold. Boo!
I have all this time off work and I'm too ill to pole! Bugger!
I'm trying to work the energy up today but it isn't happening.
I'm really excited about getting back on the pole. Since getting the copter (yes, yes, I'll shut up about it soon!) I feel like I can really start making the inverts work for me in a routine. I'm kinda dancing them in my head, feeling where I want to go.

I really need to buy some new music, too. All the stuff I own (which is lots and lots and varied) I just can't dance to. Time to go online shopping - what else can a girl do when she's poorly and stuck at home?! ;)

Monday 25 August 2008


I'm as good at blogging as I am at keeping a diary - hopeless!
But anyway...
I got my Pleasers the other day, they're awesome shoes and really fun to dance in, though they take some getting used to.
My main bit of news is at last I can do the Copter! It's been frustrating me for months but all of a sudden it's clicked. Really odd how that happens - you can't you can't you can't you hate it and you can't you can't you CAN! And then you can and can and can. It's given me a real confidence boost as it was really getting me down. The next thing to get is my inverted crucifix. I can do it, but not all the time as I have no grip, and especially not at home, even with wax or chalk. Once I can do that I'll be really chuffed.

I'm really noticing how little time I have for poling at home. I'm so busy with everyday stuff I either have no time or no energy or both! Something to be aware of and try to remedy...

Next challenge, then, is to use the copter in a routine. So far, I only invert separately from dancing. I sincerely hope I have time tomorrow. Lots to do: My boyfriend's mum and brother are coming to stay and the house needs serious work. And Leigh has a hospital appointment in the afternoon, so I'm gonna have to start house work early and hope to pole some after lunch before the appointment.
Therefore, I'm gonna hang up the washing and get an early night. Yeah, go to bed. Not more pole. Bed. Honest.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Pole Junkies challenge

I've been seeing these "Pole Junkies Weekend challenges" on YouTube and so I've joined the PJ forum to see what its all about.
It's great! Each challenge makes you think differently and try something different, which can only be a good thing. This week was to choose a song you disliked (I failed that part, don't have anything in the house I don't like) and then move, not dance. Spin, then invert/climb, spin, invert... etc. Every move to land on your feet, and no stepping between moves.

I really enjoyed it! And it was an incredible workout, I was utterly exhausted afterwards. Very good at building stamina too. And it was a good challenge for me, as just doing moves is much easier for me than dancing through a whole song. I expect the next challenge will be much harder.

Tonight I'm treating myself to a lovely long hot bath. ^_^

Saturday 9 August 2008


We learned the statue on Wednesday night, which consisted of Lisa telling us how to put what where, and then holding us and moving us into position. Felt rather alien and very much as if I'd fall right off if she wasn't holding me!
So Thursday night I needed to try for myself and was delighted to find out that I could do it unaided! Quite messy getting up there but I don't think I hold it too badly once I'm there. Very chuffed!
YouTube video here

Today I finally got my lounge much tidier thanks to the wonderful Kristie, and moved my pole more to the centre (cue big stress about finding joists and excess extension on the pole, but ok in the end).

To be honest tonight's practise was disappointing. I feel like I can do a few moves, but I can't string them together and can't dance, and certainly can't look sexy. I don't like being negative so I'm going to try not to dwell on it, but I really wish I could improvise/ freestyle.


Have a suitably silly clip:

Random quiz:

What pole move are you? I'm a Butterfly.
Fun and graceful, you are naturally the center of attention. Certain to shine in any crowd, you enjoy socializing and love to be with all your friends. You feel life is meant to be enjoyed - and that's exactly what you do!
Web-to-real life translations:

fun and graceful = Funny yet clumsy
naturally the center = never the centre
shine in any crowd = avoid any crowd
enjoy socialising = are a recluse

*beats self round head with stick* I'm gonna go to bed and wake up happier. Fact!

Night night

Sunday 3 August 2008

Tennis, hours and tiredness.

Briefly on the splits, I had a go last Wednesday at the end of class (yay I remembered!) and was pleasantly surprised to see I'm closer than I thought I'd be. Still a fair way off, but it was encouraging to see.

Tennis. I played it, yesterday. Didn't think I'd feel it today, but I do, in my glutes. Owweee! Wouldn't have thought tennis would tone up the butt, but then I know very little about physiology and I'm certainly not complaining. Yes, in case you were wondering, I suck at tennis, but it was a good laugh and a good hour-and-a-half of exercise. It was more fun when we were pratting around and not scoring. I lost 3 games in a row and declared scoring is dull. Yes I'm a bad loser but also we had much better rallies when we weren't concerned about keeping within the lines or letting the ball bounce only once.

Hours. Wondering how many hours of pole practice I've put in, and it's 13 hrs tuition plus 7 hrs independent. 20 hours.

Tiredness. I am tired and shall be mostly doing nowt today. :)