Sunday 3 August 2008

Tennis, hours and tiredness.

Briefly on the splits, I had a go last Wednesday at the end of class (yay I remembered!) and was pleasantly surprised to see I'm closer than I thought I'd be. Still a fair way off, but it was encouraging to see.

Tennis. I played it, yesterday. Didn't think I'd feel it today, but I do, in my glutes. Owweee! Wouldn't have thought tennis would tone up the butt, but then I know very little about physiology and I'm certainly not complaining. Yes, in case you were wondering, I suck at tennis, but it was a good laugh and a good hour-and-a-half of exercise. It was more fun when we were pratting around and not scoring. I lost 3 games in a row and declared scoring is dull. Yes I'm a bad loser but also we had much better rallies when we weren't concerned about keeping within the lines or letting the ball bounce only once.

Hours. Wondering how many hours of pole practice I've put in, and it's 13 hrs tuition plus 7 hrs independent. 20 hours.

Tiredness. I am tired and shall be mostly doing nowt today. :)

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