Monday 18 January 2010


So, stuff's happening!

I am entered in UKAPP this year - intermediate level.
I'm off to a pole jam this weekend in aid of Haiti...
I'm off to a pole jam in Swindon at PoleFun the following weekend
I'm going to the UKAPP Suzie Q masterclass at Spin City in Bristol in April
I'm going to enter Pole Divas again once it's open....

It's all happening!

Last night I did another PoleJunkies workshop, this time with Karol Helms (REDKE71) and learned some fab stuff. Definitely a fan of the online workshops! Learned the Reverse Aysha, which I got relatively easily, which I'm really happy about. Other stuff was a fair way above my level but really good to hear how to do it nevertheless.

I'm also meeting up with Rosetta at the Pole-da-cise Melksham studio on Thursday... I've not seen her since the Cabaret in December and it will be really good to catch up and do some pole!

I think this year is going to be a good one :)

Sunday 10 January 2010

Last day of my twenties...

Yup that's right, I'm turning 3o tomorrow. Woohoo.

Do I care? Mostly no, but a little. It's like a New Year, but different.

Anyway, this is where I'm at with flexibility at the moment

I'm really, really getting into Pole Junkies at the moment, it's brilliant. I've been offline from pole forums for a while now but I'm getting back into it and I'm really going to keep it up this year.

Did an online workshop with Alena Downs today which was great. Simple things like - how do you grip the pole when you spin? emphasis on the top of the hand or the bottom? Can make the difference between slip grip (sliding down the pole too fast) and death grip (can't move). By concentrating more on gripping with the muscles in the palm of my hand, my spins on a static pole are lasting for a few more rotations which is great.

Also some exercises for the boomerang. I can't get my legs horizontal, let alone in an upwards V and Alena explained which muscles (the psoas) control it and some exericses to strengthen it. One of these would be sitting in a V on the floor, hands in front, and lifting the feet. Well, I can't lift my feet at all and so she said put one leg folded in (like half lotus but on floor) and lift foot. On the left side this is fine. On the right, my dodgy hip reveals itself - it hurts and clicks and I can't get it off the floor. Hmph. Not really sure what to do about that for now.

Some work on basic inverts too. Am getting them much better now I'm moving my hips round the front of the pole, something Alena confirmed is correct, and will help me with my air invert too. Woohoo.

So, I'm not far off the splits, which is nice. And I've got some progress pictures as a marker.
Also got some really nice nude photos taken by my rather talented boyfriend. Something I said I wanted to do. :)

So, this year I am determined to:

  • Increase my core strength (And indeed general strength; Alena said today it's not just core, it's all the other muscles around it too, need to work on all of them)
  • Get the handspring/ jacknife etc reliably
  • Get the knee hold reliably and from up the pole
  • Reliable Scorpio
  • Spinning scorpio
  • Strong invert
  • Aysha (please?!)
  • Feel more confident with my floorwork
  • Work on my iguana mount
  • Get a cross ankle release back up to the pole (from legs off the pole, I can do a CAR situp)
  • Try twisted grip

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Got past the plateau!! :)

For a while now I've felt like I've been on a plateau where I'm barely improving.

Well today totally smashed that!

I've *nearly* found the sweet spot on my split grip invert!! My straight edge is 50% repliable now AND I can go over into the jacknife, which previously I couldn't do at all. So, I'm very happy!

Add to that my splits progress is coming along really well and I played around with a couple of the things from the vid I mentioned last time... I wil be updating my YouTube soon, but I haven't got time to edit the videos before sleep tonight :)

My scorpio is getting better. I got a lot of help and advice from the folk at Studio Veena and that's really helped. Making sure I had the armpit grip I think was the key. It still hurts but I know that will ease with time. At least I can do the move now :)

I'm happy and this had given me the energy burst and inspiration I needed to get back on the pole and carry on improving things.

Good stuff. Night night :)