Sunday 27 July 2008

First video

Sisko woke me up at 5.30 this morning by jumping all over me. He's our kitten and he has no idea about letting us have a lie in... shall have the door closed tonight as I've work tomorrow.
But anyway, I got up, did the washing up, then took the dogs up the hill, which is always gorgeous in the early morning.
I then spent all the rest of the morning, which was about 3 hours, practising pole and taking lots of videos. It's really useful, I can see what I'm doing wrong and what I need to work on, currently posture and trying to smooth everything down, I'm not very graceful! That's in addition to the technical work , course. Copter is going better, reverse sundial is sort of half getting there and all in all it was a good workout.
I then spent about 5 hours working out how to covert .mov files from the camera to .avi/.mpeg and then edit them all into a half decent video. If I can be bothered and if I find enough time when I'm bothered and in the mood to laugh at myself and let the world laugh with me, I might make a 'bloopers' video, as I recorded a few of them! One was a proper falling off an invert, and at that moment I loved my foam sofa cushion more than anything in the world :)

But yeah, I'm achy but happy, I want to do some more now but I know that will wake me up and I really need to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight, I was buzzing til midnight last night.

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