Thursday 24 July 2008

Off topic

I lost my rook piercing yesterday.
I don't like retiring piercings, it's quite a sad affair, but this one just wasn't healing, and enough was enough. I had it done in April 2006, same time as my left nipple, so if it hadn't healed by now it wasn't going to. The lovely lass who took it out for me offered to put a titanium bar in it to see if that would heal it. I declined but now am wondering if I made the right decision! For the hassle factor, getting rid of it was pure win. And I'd rather lose the rook to give my nipple a better chance of healing (it's going through a whingy phase). Apparently bodies are happier only having to heal one piercing at a time, which makes sense. However, the rook is a cool piercing to have and I half wish I'd tried the bar. Ah well, my policy is to have no regrets and thus I've made my decision and am happy with it.

Yesterday's pole lesson was 1-to-1 again as Nicola was away, and the other lass due to join our class couldn't make it either. Lisa is wonderful, I must have had 3 1-to-1 sessions now due to absenteeism (is it me that scares the other folk away?!). She had me practising inverts for an hour - how exhausting!
Its odd how some stuff with pole seems to be 2 steps forward 1 step back: I've successfully done a Crucifix before, both static and spinning. Yet for the past few weeks I've lost my grip and can't take my hands off. Ah well, it will come.
The Copter is still giving me grief - I just can't get it right. I'm sure it's arm positioning. But again, practise makes perfect and all that!
On the plus side, Lisa said some of my other moves were looking really nice, so that's very encouraging.

Anyway, I'm at work and procrastinating. Enough for now.

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