Saturday 26 July 2008


Well, I did my pole practice left handed today.
This isn't so odd, given that I am in fact left handed, but I've learned pole right handed so far, as I do most sports right handed and it's so much easier. I'm so glad I didn't learn guitar left handed!
So, I found out something interesting: I'm much better doing it left handed! :)
Reason I swapped was because I've really hurt my right tricep (you only make the mistake of not warming up properly once) and it was giving me too much grief and I desperately wanted to practice.
I've made some silly videos but they are far too silly for public display, but were a giggle.
Picked up a new move, too, the Cradle, from the X-Pole DVD, which was surprisingly easy to get. Yay.
I plan to practice lots tomorrow, I did no inverts today (can't do that left handed, I tried) and I really need to get the Copter, it's my next target.
I'm winning on the shoes I'm bidding for on Ebay. I'm hoping I don't break my ankles...

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